Post Workout Muscle Soreness

What you can do to help you recover

  Starting a workout program is always challenging especially if you haven’t worked out in awhile. Pair that with the muscle soreness that comes along as your muscles start to adapt to your new routine and you can make it hard to stay on track! Let’s face it…you probably are not jumping right out of bed to go do the next workout when walking up or down the stairs is a challenge in itself! So what do you do? Hopefully this will clear things up and give you some ideas for the days after doing an upper body workout and drying your hair seems like the biggest challenge in the world!  
​   Muscle soreness doesn’t only happen to those just starting out. I have been a runner for a long time and I have been working out routinely for several years but today I woke up and my hips and the back of my legs were SORE!! I had been doing a workout called Chalene Extreme and just switched it up to 21 Day Fix Extreme. That change in programs meant working some muscles in ways that the previous one didn’t! Sore muscles can occur any time you switch things up and put more focus on muscles that haven’t seen that intense workout in awhile.
It is not uncommon for beginners to experience soreness for a week or two as their body adapts to their new exercise routine just as seasoned exercisers experience soreness after a tough workout. Don’t use soreness as an excuse not to workout! The only way to avoid muscle soreness is to not workout at all! That will definitely not head you in the direction towards your goals and body that you envision!
What causes this muscle soreness? 
You may experience temporary pain during the actual workout or that “Burn” feeling and should subside in a few hours. This is due to lactic acid. Lactic acid is a byproduct of muscle metabolism and some of that soreness is from buildup of the lactic acid. Lactic acid is naturally removed you’re your body within a few hours to a day. The best relief from this soreness is STRETCHING! I know, I know, I am guilty of skipping out on stretching after a workout when I am in a hurry but this can actually help your muscles recover faster so DON’T SKIP IT!
So why are you still sore a few days later? ​​
This type of soreness is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS. What happens is that as you work those muscles small microscopic tears occur, your body then repairs these tears and as a result the muscle become stronger! All of this is natural and is actually making you stronger but in the meantime leaving you a bit sore! Normally you will start to experience a gradual increase in pain between 24 and 48 hours. This is just your body’s way of adapting to your new routine and making you able to better perform the next time!

So what CAN you DO? 

Ice. Nothing like a little ice on those sore muscles to help reduce inflammation!

Anti-inflammatory medication such and ibuprofen can help as well.

​​Massage. A massage can help relieve tension is sore muscles. Don’t have time or money for a masseuse? A foam roller (you can pick one up at any fitness store or even Target!) will work too! Just put the foam roller under the sore spot and roll back and forth. It is almost like a massage! Feel those tension and knots melt away!

Stretching! Stretching is often a step that is skipped (hey- I am guilty too when I am running short on time!)

Yoga  is one of the best things I do for my body after a long run or an intense workout.  It is an awesome form of exercise that will help stretch those sore muscles and improve your flexibility.

​Change up Your Workout.  Another technique is to focus the next workout on a different area of your body. If your legs are sore from leg day, then do arms or core the next day! Don’t use soreness as an excuse not to workout! All of the Beachbody workouts come with a workout calendar that focuses on just that! It allows one area to recover while working on another!

Stay Active. Do cardio instead. The more your muslces move, the faster they will recover from exercise and soreness. If you chose to rest completely rather than “active recovery” (like yoga, stretching or other light exercise) you will probably be sore for longer.

   Does your NUTRITION play a part in your recovery?
Absolutely. There are also some great post workout drinks and foods that you can consume to help reduce the post muscle soreness and help your body to recovery faster.

​The most important meal you eat is the one that you have directly after your workout.  For about an hour after your workout there is a window of opportunity when your muscles are literally starving for nutrients and the meal you eat at this time is the most important for building muscle and replenishing energy sources. So what should you eat? What is the best meal, or combination of foods to have post- workout?

Shakeology - is a great post workout meal.  It has a perfect combination of protein and carbs along with all the essential amino acids and nutrients your body needs to recovery from the workout with no artificial ingredients! So easy to whip up and you don’t even have to think about it!     
Beachbody Performance Line – this performance line is absolutely amazing. Beachbody is the official     performance drink of the IRON MAN! What? That is crazy ridiculous and shows how awesome it is! There is a whole line of products that start from before your workout to products that work while you sleep to help you recover. I absolutely love this line and I love I don’t even have to think or plan my post workout meals!  

Pre workout: Energize: Improves performance, increase focus and prevent muscle fatigue with low dose caffeine from green tea, the amino acid beta-alanine to reduce acid build up and quercetin an anti-inflammatory phytonutrient. 

Hydrate: Used during workout to keep you hydrated and replaces electrolytes without artificial ingredients or excessive sugar found in many sports drinks.

Recover: has fast absorbing whey protein, medium absorbing pea protein and slow absorbing casein protein so you have protein on hand for the entire recovery process as well as pomegranate extract which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Recharge: Sleep is when your body does a lot of its recovery. You take this drink right before you go to bet. It has a pure casein protein which is great for this time because it is slowly absorbed. It also contains BCAA’s and tart cherry extract which is a natural anti-inflammatory substance packed with phytonutrients to help mitigate exercise induced muscle damage.
Food Ideas- ​Here are some awesome post workout food options that will help in your muslce recovery! 

Chicken and mixed veggies: Pair the 43 grams of protein you get in a chicken breast with the complex carbs you get from veggies and this makes an awesome meal post workout.

Breakfast: Pair an egg omelet stuffed with veggies and add in a bit of Avocado for a super healthy post workout meal! A medium egg contains about 44 grams of protein and add in those complex carbs veggies provide with the healthy Omega 3 loaded fat you get from an Avocado for a great post workout meal! It doesn’t mean you can only have an omelet in the morning hours. It is a great meal anytime of day!

Salmon, Spinach and Sweet Potato. Salmon is loaded with protein  (40 grams!) as well as loaded with Omega 3’s making it a super healthy meal. Spinach has protein and well as vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. That sweet potato? Loaded with the slow releasing complex carbohydrates. What a power meal!

Tuna, Brown Rice and Veggies: That tuna has 42 grams of protein, brown rice contains fiber and carbs and the veggies add in a bit more complex carbs. Great choice for an after workout meal!
   What you do and what you fuel your body with after that workout can make a huge difference on how you feel in a few hours or a few days. Don’t use soreness as an excuse to lay off your fitness goals. Use these tips and get right back at it- your body will thank you! Have any questions or want to chat about some more ideas? I would love to chat with you! Email me and I will get right back with you!