Progress Beyond the Scale

I totally get it. You have been waking up early, cranking out your workouts, planning your meals and eating healthy for weeks. You have been skipping that extra glass of wine at dinner and have been working so freaking HARD.

Then you step on the scale and your heart drops to your feet. That darn number is the exact same as last week. Or maybe it is down a pound or two but you have put in so much WORK that it should totally be lower than that!

Frustration results and you begin to wonder if it is even worth it. This is the point that most people give up instead or continuing on. However, it is the people that continue on, that focus on the things that are going right and stay consistent that see the biggest success. The most important thing to success is to be patient, be consistent and not give up.

It is so easy to get caught up in the number but there are many signs that can show you that all of your hard work is, well, working even if that scale is not moving.

So how can you tell that you may be doing better than you think?

#1: You Feel Stronger
Remember how taking the stairs was something you always dreaded? You get to the top and swear that you had to have just ran a marathon. Then, your realized that those stairs are actually getting a little bit easier. You notice that you have more energy throughout your day. The workouts aren’t quite as hard as they use to be.

Those are all signs you are getting stronger! It may also mean that it is time to step it up a gear! Your muscles are becoming more efficient and it may be time for them to be challenged in different ways to continue to increase your performance. Have you finished a round of 21 Day fix? Then try out 21 Day Fix Extreme or jump into Transform 20! Keep challenging yourself. That is what is so awesome about Beachbody on Demand- you have access to so many different types of workouts that you never get bored and you can continue to challenge yourself in different ways!

#2: Your Clothes Fit are Fitting Better
You slip on those jeans and notice that you have a bit more room than you use to. It is a little easier to button. That is such an AMAZING feeling and shows you that you are starting to lose inches! You are toning up and slimming down. That muscle that you are replacing the fat with may take up less space but weights just a bit more. So although the scale may not move you are still slimming down! Want even more evidence? Get out a measuring tape and measure!

#3: You See More Subtle Changes
You might not be seeing those six pack abs yet or those huge biceps but you may start to see some small subtle changes. The best way to see these changes is to take those selfies! Keep them on your phone and compare them from week to week. Often you can see those changes start to take place in the photo that you don’t notice when you are looking in the mirror.

#4: Others Are Noticing
It is such an amazing feeling when a friend or coworker tells you that you are looking slimmer. Take the compliment! Chances are they are being honest, not just nice. Other people can often see these changes before you see them! Chances are, they’re not just being nice: They’re being honest.

#5: You’re Happier
We women seem to focus so much more on our outside appearances but those inner thoughts and mindset are so very important! Take a minute and look at how you feel throughout the day. Are your days becoming a bit brighter? Are you noticing an increase in your confidence? Are you getting better sleep? When you start to fuel your body with good nutrition and get into a exercise routine your mindset also improves. Also, those endorphins released with exercise are an excellent way to start your day on a good note!
You are so much more than a number on the scale and your health. Although weight is one way to track success it isn’t the only way to make sure you are headed in the right direction. You need to allow yourself some grace and be patient. It took longer than a month to put the weight on and it will take longer than a month to get it off. Consistency is key in long term health. What you do over time matters so much more, and is much more sustainable than what you can accomplish in one month. One to two pounds a week is a great goal. It seems insignificant but those one to two pounds can lead to 52 pounds a year. So appreciate all your success big and small along the way. This healthy living is a journey we are all on. It is not a destination. You are more than a number!