Have you ever gotten on a healthy living path and reached a point where you want to just, well quit? We all have! So here I’m going to break down some common points where people want to quit and some mental tricks to help get you right past it!
Quitting before you begin.
I have heard from people who see transformation stories online or have a friend who lost weight but they don’t think it’s possible for them personally to do it. It isn’t from lack of effort. From the Atkins diet, to weight watchers, to the cabbage diet, slim fast. You name it they have done it. I am a victim of this as well. I have struggled with a healthy balance since college. I have been 30 pounds lighter than what I am now to 35 pounds heavier. The thing is those things do work, temporarily, but you only to see the weight come right back with some not so friendly bonus pounds.
Exercise is not the cure all. You can go to any marathon and see people running 26.2 miles that still have quite a few pounds to shed. Have you ever told yourself that you are too old, your metabolism is too slow, there is no way your body can get back after having several children? Me too.
It was a serious life changer when I discovered the healthy whole foods, balanced eating plan that helped me to eat healthy foods, in the right amounts without depriving yourself of anything. At age 38 and after four kids I learned that I could maintain my body, reshape my entire physique and maintain it! If other people can do it, you can do it too. So if you are a person who thinks, “I can’t get fit, not me, not my body,” then the first mental trick for you is to realize this:
Tell yourself this every day when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Say it when you don’t believe it. Say it even though it feels weird. Eventually you will believe it because you will see change in your own self.
Eating clean can be hard, especially when you get invited to parties, family and friend events, and when it’s a random Tuesday and you just really, really just want a few of those cookies your kids made. Here are some tricks that kept my hand from reaching too many times in the cookie container.
1. Drink water.
If you’re feeling hungry, you may actually just be thirsty. Drink a glass of water and wait ten minutes to see if you really are hungry or if the drink did the trick. I keep a large water bottle with me everywhere I go. I know I need to drink ½ my weight in water and I know how many of those containers I should have in one day.
2. Eat before you go out.
If you’re hungry, you’re more likely to eat foods that give you quick energy, which are the kinds of foods that are the worst for your waistline, like sugary snacks and simple carbs like white bread served in a restaurant. If you’re already full you can make more rational food choices.
3. Food prep.
Who here has nothing to do, raise your hand? Oh, that’s right: you’re busy like everyone else! I don’t know about you, but I have no time after work to think up a healthy meal and cook it without eating the entire fridge before it is done. That’s why food prep and planning your meals for the week is HUGE. That way when I come home most of the work is done and I don’t have to think about what to cook what too cook!
4. Healthy snacks.
It’s better for you to eat a healthy snack than feel like you’re starving and cheat on your meal plan. Try keeping a bag of almonds handy (totally can keep in your car or purse) and grab just a handful. They have healthy fat and make you feel satiated. Here is the kicker thought- don’t go nuts (literally haha!) stick to a handful and not a bagful. Also, make sure the almost are unsalted and natural so you’re not packing on extra calories or sodium. Another couple options are dill pickles, cucumber slices dipped in salsa or hummus. Want something sweet? Have some fruit ready to go. When I buy my fruit I wash it in some water and a bit of vinegar so it is ready to go for a quick grab for me or the kids!
It’s too cold, or too hot, or you’re too tired or sore, or your bed is just oo cozy right now. Do it anyway. Here are some tips to get you up and going. You just have to give it 5 minutes. Trust me. Once 5 minutes have past you won’t stop and you will be glad you did.
1. Remind Yourself Why You are Doing This.
Your reason needs to be stronger than your reason not to exercise. For me, how I feel when I am done and my kids are my motivation. When I want to sleep in I remind myself that I will feel so much better for the rest of the day, I won’t have regret and I won’t have to think about it any more. I want to show my kids how to live a healthy life, I want to be active and healthy as my kids grow and I want to be around for my grandkids. That gets my sleepy ass out of bed! Why are you exercising? Because your doctor told you that if you exercise you can get off your diabetes medication? Because you don’t want your kids to see you quit? Because you have a wedding to go to (maybe your own?) Whatever your reason remind yourself of that when you want to quit.
2. Use Rewards.
The key to this is to make sure the reward/punishment is intense enough to motivate you. Set an achievable goal and once you reach it reward yourself. That could be a new outfit, a night out, a weekend trip. Whatever! Just give you some incentive!
3. Stick with Friends
You might sleep in if you were exercising alone, but if you were meeting a friend you’d probably show up right? Workout buddies hold you accountable and encourage you to keep going when you get tired.