Eating Out and Keeping it Healthy 

You may know by now that most restaurant meals do not contain a ton of nutrients and are loaded with salt, sugar and refined carbohydrates. Even if you order a grilled chicken you don’t know what kind of oils and seasonings are getting added to it before it even makes it to the grill. Then there is those portion sizes! My goodness some of those meals are made for three and if it is sitting there, and I am distracted and talking- before I know it I have eaten way more than I intended!

It isn’t all that surprising then that frequently dining out is linked to a greater risk for obesity and a lower intake of vitamins and nutrients. Yes, it would be fantastic to make every single meal at home but let’s face it- that is not even close to realistic. Eating out is part of our culture. It is where we spend time with friends or relax with a family. Let’s not use that as an excuse though to eat out four times a week. Unless you are on vacation there is no reason to eat out more than once or twice a week. Even if you do cook more meals for your family and friends at you will find yourself at a restaurant most likely sooner than later. So how do we keep it healthy while dining out?  

Check out the menu before you go:  Most restaurants have their menu online you can check out ahead of times. Look it over when you aren’t distracted with visiting with friends and family and see which ones look the most healthy- grilled items, salads, veggie sides. If you know ahead of time then you will be less likely to make a poor decision when sitting down distracted and can spend more time being social with those you want to spend that time with! You can also check out myfitnesspal app and often find out the calories and nutrition facts for most restaurant meals.

Chose a quieter seat if you can: If you are more distracted you tend to eat quite a bit more. Commotion makes it easy to lose track of how much you are eating.

Order first:  You have planned ahead what you are going to order but then your friend orders the hamburger and fries… now you are second guessing your grilled chicken and asparagus. To prevent that just order first! If you can’t order first then just close the menu and tell yourself that you aren’t changing your mind! No second peeks! J

Modify it:  I am the queen of this. See something you like but find it is slathered in butter- ask for it in olive oil instead. Can you swap out one sauce for another? The fries for a healthy veggie? The calorie and fat loaded ranch for some olive oil and vinegar on the side? Can you have it light on the oil? Can it be broiled rather than fried? Can you not put any additional salt on it? Often I will scan the menu to see what other dishes come with because I know that most likely I can swap out one item for one of those. I prefer grilled Brussel sprouts over cheesy broccoli and if Brussel sprouts are listed on another dish- I know they have them and I can swap them! You are the one eating it. Most restaurants will be accommodating to different dietary needs. If not? Maybe it isn’t worth giving them your service.
 Don’t let the descriptions get you: Come on you have seen the descriptions “tender”, “juicy” or “succulent” right? Also be aware terms like “velvety” cake and “legendary” spaghetti and meatballs. They use those words to appeal to your emotions when ordering. Make sure you are picking something you want and is on your plan rather than the adjectives the restaurant uses to describe it!

Stay away from Appetizer:  Dang those appetizers get you every time and that is where a lot of the damage gets done! That bowl of chips and salsa? Gone before the meal even comes. Most appetizers are loaded with saturated fat and little nutritional value. You fill up on that you miss the best part of the meal! Best plan- to not even consider it or to refuse those chips and salsa when they offer it your way!

Be aware of the Salad:  A salad can be your meal’s best friend or worst enemy. You will be getting a ton of healthy greens, beans, and veggies but then if you drown it in the dressing you might as well be eating that hamburger and fries! Salad dressings are loaded with saturated fats and sugars. Then top it off with cheese, bacon and croutons- forget about. That healthy option ust took a major nose dive to the unhealthy side. Choose  healthier dressings like vinaigrettes, or better yet extra virgin olive oil and vinegar. Can’t do that then get the low calorie  version and have them put it on the side where you can control the portion! I use the fork dipping method. Dip your fork in the dressing then spear the salad with the fork. You get a bit of dressing with each bite!
Just say not to those potato salads, macaroni salads, coleslaw and even tuna and chicken salads, which usually are heavy in mayonnaise, sugar and calories.

Chose Your Sides:  Substitute high-calorie, saturated fat loaded side dishes with healthier options such as steamed vegetables, brown rice or fresh fruit. Substitute those French fries for baked, boiled or roasted potatoes, but make sure to order it without the the butter, cheese or cream sauce.  Salsa, pepper or chives are great healthier potato seasonings!

Choose Healthier Cooked Items:  The way your entree is prepared is HUGE. Choose grilled, broiled, baked or steamed and skip out on the pan-fried and deep-fried foods. Ask if you they can reduce or eliminate the butter or oil. Even grilled items may have added butter or oil so ask ask ask!

Enjoy (a little) Drink:  Drinks can be diet-killers, too. Ice water is free, but those mixed drinks rack up those empty calories in not time and dull your healthy decision making! Have a glass of red wine. It is healthy for your heart at least! (that was one- not four- haha)

Choose Whole Grains: Ask if they have a whole wheat or whole grain option. Chose those whole-wheat breads, rolls, and pasta when choosing sandwiches, burgers, or main dishes.

Watch those Portions:  Most restaurants serve a TON of foods! Often 2-3 times the quantity we need in a meal. Consider sharing a meal or portioning off your meal in half to save for later. Eat only until you are satisfied, not stuffed and Pass on the Buffet. You will definitely overeat there!

Protein- the palm of your hand
Veggies- an open-cupped hand.
Fruits Veggies - your fist
Potato- your fist
Cheese- your middle and index fingers together
Salad Dressing or Oils- your thumb